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FCS Administrative Staff


Voted Fayetteville 2014 Reader's Choice Best Principal

Mrs. Tammi Peters is a co-founder and has been the Head of School of FCS since its inception in 1986. Originally from California, she attended Southern California College, now Vanguard University, where she received a BA in English Education and teaching credentials. She moved to Fayetteville not long after with her husband because of the military. After the birth of her first daughter Erin, she began to consider Christian school opportunities in Fayetteville. Desiring a non-denominational and developmental program that was not available in Fayetteville, she co-founded such a pre-school program. As her daughter grew so did the growing number of parents wanting to enroll their own children in the school. In 1990 the founders recognized that God was growing the school and the decision was made to develop the school into to a full-fledged Christian school that would reach out to the area's Christian families. Godly men and women from other churches were invited to be part of the school's first school board to help fulfill this vision. The school continues to grow and has reached enrollment capacity of 650 students. 

Mrs. Peters has her Masters of Education and Administration. Her two daughters, Erin and Lindsay are now grown. Erin earned her Doctors of Physical Therapy from UNC and Lindsay is a licensed CNA.  She has 6 grandchildren who all live in the area and are or will soon be attending FCS just as their moms did so many years ago.  Her husband Col. Rick Peters, ret. Now serves in the VA Hospital as a Physical Therapist.   

Mrs. Peters loves to remind people that her life's verse is Corinthians 1:25-31 because it shows us that God can take any person with a willing heart and work through them to accomplish His calling in their life. She is thankful and humbled that God allowed her to be part of the establishment of Fayetteville Christian School.



Voted Fayetteville Reader's Choice Top Three Best Principal 

Mrs. Lauri Ake joined FCS as an educational therapist in the fall of 2007. She worked for two years as Special Projects Coordinator before becoming the Junior High/Elementary Principal in 2009. As of the 2023 school year, Lauri's main focus is the Elementary School. 

Raised in Fayetteville, she graduated from Cape Fear High School before receiving a BA in Elementary Education from Elon College, now Elon University. She was a recipient of the prestigious North Carolina Teaching Fellows Scholarship. After fulfilling her public school teaching service, Lauri felt the Lord calling her into Christian education professionally and personally desiring Christian education for her own children. She has taught multiple grade levels in elementary/junior high including Kindergarten, First, Second, Sixth, and Seventh. Her husband Tim is a LT. with the Fayetteville Fire Department and native of Cumberland County. They have two children Nathan(class of 2017) and Abbi (class of 2021) who are proud Warriors! Lauri considers the call to FCS a tremendous blessing in her life and shares the vision to assist families in the raising of children with a biblical worldview to build and serve the Kingdom of God.
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9


Karla Daniels

Mrs. Karla Daniels is the High School Principal at Fayetteville Christian School. She joined FCS in 1999 and has taught in the elementary, junior high and high school departments. She has served in a variety of roles through her years at FCS as the Junior High Activities coordinator, After School Study Hall supervisor, and Junior High department head, all while maintaining strong relationships with her students in the classroom. 
Karla was born into a military family and spent her childhood in Okinawa, Virginia, California and South Carolina. She has lived in Fayetteville since her junior high years and graduated from Westover Sr. High School. Her love of family and the Fayetteville area kept her close, and she graduated from Methodist University. She and her husband, Mike, have two children, Justin and Samantha, both FCS graduates. She considers it an honor and privilege to serve at Fayetteville Christian School.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10


Stephanie Weldy

Stephanie Weldy joined the FCS staff in the fall of 2008. She faithfully served as a third grade teacher for 13 1/2 years. During that time she organized the Elementary Spelling Bee and served as a mentor for new teachers. She became the office manager in January of 2022.


Stephanie grew up in Springfield, Ohio. She graduated from Cedarville University with a Bachelor's degree in elementary education. She taught for four years at two Christian schools in Ohio. She left teaching for a while and attended the English Nanny & Governess School in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, to become a certified governess. She worked as a governess for four families in various cities across the country: Dayton, Ohio; Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Southern Pines, North Carolina. When she felt God calling her back to the classroom, she knew it would be in a Christian school. Stephanie feels blessed and honored to be a part of the ministry at FCS.


2 Timothy 4:7-8: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."


Dawn Pauley

Mrs. Dawn Pauley is the Director of Admissions. She is originally from Centerville, Ohio. She attended Marshall University for 3 years, where she left to marry her husband David Pauley and enjoy the adventure of being a military spouse.  She has three daughters, all of which have attended FCS.  Before Dawn started as a substitute teacher at FCS, she owned her own business for 14 years. She feels blessed that God has called her to be able to be a part of the ministry at FCS. She loves sharing her love for the Lord and her passion for Fayetteville Christian School with our students, parents and the potential families.  

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


Cheryl Stewart

Mrs. Cheryl Stewart has been the Registrar and PowerSchool Administrator at FCS since 2009. She is originally from Sacramento, California and met her future husband, Bob at the Christian camp where they both worked summers. Bob later joined the Army and the two married in 1992. As an Army wife, Cheryl completed her education in a variety of locations, and holds a BS in Psychology and Sociology, as well as a degree in nursing. Cheryl and Bob have two children that graduated from FCS. Son Morgan graduated in 2012, went on to UNC Charlotte and now works in software development. Daughter Madison graduated from FCS in 2017, then from nursing school in 2022.


Romans 8:28 promises “For we know that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord, for those who are the called according to His purpose.” Learning to trust in God’s long-range plan helps make sense of the many seemingly random events and circumstances Cheryl has encountered in her life, which eventually led to being called to serve at FCS.



Jesse Autry

Mr. Jesse Autry is the Athletic Director at Fayetteville Christian School.  After graduating from South View High School in Hope Mills, N.C., Coach Autry attended Randolph Technical College in Asheboro, NC.  After a year and a half, he realized a change in his life was in order and came home.  After two years of working and saving, he enrolled at Fayetteville State University, where he would graduate Cum Laude with a Bachelor of the Sciences in Social Sciences Education and a concentration in History.  


With his degree in hand, Coach Autry returned to his roots at South View Junior High School, where he taught Civics.  After three years, he moved across the parking lot to South View High School.  He spent the next 26 years teaching Civics, Advanced Government, A.P. European History, U.S. History, World History and Freshman Seminar.  In 2016 Coach Autry was named the South View High School and South View Attendance Area Teacher of the Year.  Ironically, his daughter, Rachel, was chosen South View High School Senior of the Year at the same time.  

After his first year of teaching, Coach Autry married his college sweetheart, Maria Riddle.  They have been married for almost 30 years.  Mrs. Autry graduated from Fayetteville State and later joined Coach Autry at South View High School, where she still teaches English.  They have two children, Jesse and Rachel, who both live and work in the Charlotte area.  Coach and Maria Autry attend RockFish Church.


In his first year of teaching, Coach Autry became involved in coaching middle school-aged boys’ basketball with the Hope Mills Youth Association.  During his five years coaching the Hope Mills Celtics, the team went from the bottom to the top of the league.  In his sixth year of teaching he was “persuaded” to take over the high school cross country and track team for one year as an interim coach.  He went on to coach the Tigers for the next 23 years, winning over 60 combined men’s and women’s conference titles in cross country and track.  His teams won the NCHSAA State Championship in 2003 and 2015.  


In his time at South View, Coach Autry was the founder and director behind two of North Carolina’s premier scholastic athletic events: The Jungle Run Night-Time Cross Country Meet and the Tiger Relays.  These meets saw a combined average of over 2500 participants each school year.   


After the 2019-2020 school year, Coach Autry retired from coaching in high school and started a faith-based running club called the Carolina Liberty.  In the age of Covid, it was intended to be an outlet for his displaced high school runners to train and compete, but it grew into something more.  In their inaugural season, the Carolina Liberty hosted three invitational meets with over 1000 competitors between them.  Surprisingly, they went on to win the men’s and women’s High School Division of the NC AAU Cross Country State Championships.  In track and field Coach Autry’s Liberty squad produced multiple all-state athletes and individual state champions.  


In June of 2021 Coach Autry retired from the public school system.  Although he planned to slow down and just substitute teach on the side, he felt led by The Lord to become involved in Christian Education.  Coach Autry also teaches fourth and fifth grade physical education.


Coach Autry believes that everyone has gifts and that we were given those gifts to work for the greater good of everyone, while lifting up the name of Jesus.  He consistently emphasizes work ethic and commitment.  One of Coach Autry’s favorite passages is from Galatians 6:9, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”  One of his favorite coaching and teaching sayings is that “You don’t get what you wish for.  You get what you work for.”


Guidance Counselor
Robbin VanDeusen

Mrs. Robbin VanDeusen is the Guidance Counselor at FCS. She is no stranger to FCS, as she assisted Mrs. Sunshine Hunt in preschool in 1998; was the school’s cafeteria manager during the 1999-2000 school year; then was a middle school and high school Bible teacher from 2006-2011, while the middle school met in huts. She and her husband have two daughters who are graduates of FCS. Charlotte graduated in 2009 and Molly graduated in 2011.


Robbin loves this school and desired a degree to teach at FCS, largely so she could be on the same schedule as her daughters. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice 2006 so she could teach at FCS. Since then, she has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Calvary Chapel Bible College; a master’s degree in Theological Studies from Liberty University; and lastly she obtained a postgraduate degree from Liberty University in Educational Leadership.  


Robbin is humbled and thankful to the Lord and to Mrs. Peters for allowing her to return “home” to the school that has ministered to her family for decades. She is thankful for the example of servant leadership she witnessed in Mr. Ayers, who was the school counselor who helped guide her daughters through high school. She knows it is God’s grace and mercy that brought her back to FCS. 


Robbin’s favorite Bible verses are Romans 8:38-39. She loves to share the truths found in these verses with others: 


38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NASB)



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The FCS Board of Directors


President - Dr. Suzanne Faykus

Secretary - Amber Mabus

Financial Advisor - Garry Winebarger

Xan Allen

Andy Griffith

Dr. Edwin Newman

Kevin West

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